Hello my beautiful people!Hope all are doing great.We all love our skin and try out many things to make it it look perfect.I am so fond of trying new home remedies for my skin.There are many remedies that works well for us.Many people asked why going with many options if you can get effect from one remedy only.I try out many because we all are individuals and the thing working on one person won't work on some other people.So i am always search of many items that can used as an alternative for the other.
carrot skin care products

Recently i started using carrot on my skin care routine.Carrot has beauty related benefits also it works well on your health.Carrots are rich in Vitamin A which is really good for your eyes.It helps in lowering cholesterol and can be included in diet for weight loss.
  • The potassium content present in carrots helps to control skin dryness
  • various nutrients in it controls acne
  • best for oily skin
  • gives glow to the face
  • removes skin tan
I have tried it in 3 different ways.I will sharing it one by one.

Instead of using the face wash with chemical base,try using natural cleanser using carrot.Take 1 carrot and cut it into small pieces.Blend it properly.Strain out the juice using a sieve.
Carrot works as a great cleanser.Now add 4 tablespoons of milk and mix it very well.Apply it using a cotton pad and spread over the face.Massage for 10 minutes and wash it off.Milk removes excess dirt and oil from the skin and control clogging of pores.Use it every day if you are having extremely oily skin.

Take the remaining portion of carrot after extracting the juice.Take it in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of sugar.It is not mandatory to use every day as scrubbing can irritate the skin cells.You can try it out twice a month.Skin exfoliation is really important for increased blood supply to the face.

Take 20 ml of carrot juice and mix it with 10 ml of distilled water.Add 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of rose water.Shake it properly and transfer it to a spraying bottle.Apply it every day after cleansing.It helps in reducing the pores.

This face pack works good in both oily and dry skin.Take 4 tablespoons of carrot juice.To it add 3 tablespoons of fuller's earth and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.The anti oxidants present in carrot removes dark pigmentation and prevents skin ageing.Lemon juice helps to remove dark spots from the skin.Fuller's earth act as a vehicle for the carrot to do it's functions.It gives an instant glow to the face.

You can also include carrot oil skin care in the routine.
Try all these carrot skin remedies daily to enhance the beauty and to get a clear skin.Say yes to carrot skincare for healthy and glowing skin.