Hello my dear friends!Today i will be doing a review post.It's all about MAMA EARTH products.Recently i started using their products and found all of them really useful. As they demands all of them are chemicals free and are plastic positive. I am really convinced with their packaging which comes in sturdy bottles,tubs and tubes.I tried around 6 products from this brand and still want to try many from them
mama earth products

1.Mama Earth lip balm[with shea butter and strawberry]Rs 199
I have tried many lip balms but i found this one really unique and interesting.It comes in 3 variants for women,men and babies.This lip balm contains shea butter and strawberry and contains Vitamin E that helps to control damage to the lips.It also contains olive oil,coconut oil and cocoa butter.This product prevents chapped lips and promotes super hydration.They are free from artificial smell,paraben or silicones.I highly recommend this product for the people who are having extremely dry lips.

2.Mama Earth Onion hair mask Rs 599
I have already done a detailed review about this hair mask.It is my all time favourite as it solved all my hair problems.It contains onion oil and organic bamboo vinegar.It really helps in controlling hair fall and promote hair growth.This mask moisturises your scalp and promote blood supply.Apply the mask twice a week for better results.The best part is that after applying the mask your hair will become soft and frizz free.

3.Mama Earth Ubtan Face Wash Rs.249
You will get such an amazing product in affordable price range.This is the face wash i am currently using and i could see the difference within 1 week.It's allergen free and suitable for all skin types.Do you face the issues of skin tanning?Then grab this product fast as this is a face wash for tan removal.It contains walnut beads,saffron extracts,carrot seed oil,liquorice extracts,patchouli oil and turmeric.All this ingredients are beneficial for skin care and gives glow to the face.The carrot oil promotes skin lightening and skin exfoliation is done by walnut beads.

4.Mama Earth onion shampoo with onion and plant keartin Rs 349
This product is 100% natural and chemical free.It reduces hair fall and give nourishment to the scalp.Plant keratin present in it prevents hair damage and leaves hair smooth and shiny.It is also suited for chemically treated hair.

5.Mama Earth Hair serum Rs 284
It's been only 2 weeks since i started using this product.I am really amazed with it's effect.It contains biotin which helps in hair growth and gives strength to the hair.It gives a sleek look to your hair and prevents easy hair breakage.Try applying it after hair wash to control frizz.

6.Mama Earth Skin Illuminate Face Serum Rs.599
I got this product after seeing many reviews.It really helps you in getting a radiant looking skin within 1 week only.It contains vitamin C which acts greatly on controlling skin damages.Turmeric present it has anti inflammatory action and reduce skin hyper pigmentation.