Hello my beautiful people!Hope all are safe and doing fine.We all know there are many home remedies to prevent hair fall.These remedies will improve hair growth and add nourishment to the scalp.Today i will be sharing a magical ingredient that works very well on the hair.Can you guess which is the ingredient?Are you all excited?I was actually surprised by its result.I have already mentioned it above,but ya just excited.
hibiscus mask for hair
Hibiscus hair mask is an extra ordinary remedy that will definitely give you amazing results.I am using this since many years and you can try out this in different ways.This most popular herb has the capacity to stimulate hair growth and can control baldness.

1. Hibiscus leaves for hair mask

Earlier i used hibiscus leaves as a natural shampoo after oiling my hair.Many of us know about that this leaves give a great shine to the hair and also helps in hair growth.I tried to include them in my hair care routine and observed a visible change.
  • hibiscus leaves-10
  • aloe vera gel-2 tablespoons
  • curd-4 tablespoons
Take the leaves and clean it well.Grind all the leaves till you get a slimy consistency.To it add the aloe vera gel and curd,mix it well.
You can add egg whit which is optional as it is rich in protein content.Curd helps in nourishing the scalp and prevents itchiness.
Apply it all over the scalp to the roots,wait for 20 minutes and wash it off.

2. Hibiscus and amla powder hair mask
Amla is rich in minerals and nutrients.It contains zinc that promotes hair growth.It has anti oxidants and penetrate deep into the follicles preventing premature greying of hair.I tried mixing it with hibiscus powder to make the hair mask.
  • hibiscus flower-8
  • amla powder-4 tablespoons
  • coconut milk-6 tablespoons
  • honey-2 tablespoons
Coconut nourishes your hair and makes it soft and smooth also provides shine.Honey is a universal home remedy that works well on skin and hair.Clean the hibiscus flowers well and grind it to get a paste.Mix amla powder,coconut milk and honey.Mix it well and apply it all over the hair.Wash it off after 25 minutes.

3. Fenugreek and hibiscus hair mask

I am a great fan of fenugreek and always mix them in my hair oil.I also combine it with hibiscus powder for promoting faster hair growth.
  • hibiscus flower-8
  • fenugreek seeds-4 tablespoons
  • lemon juice-3 tablespoons
Mix all the ingredients together and apply it all over the hair.You can try using all the hair masks twice in a week
Try to use hibiscus and amla powder hair mask,fenugreek and hibiscus hair mask for getting long shiny hair.