MCaffeine Products 

 I love coffee I am personally a really huge fan of coffee fragrance. I have tried these products for more than two and a half weeks so yes I can give you a complete and a detailed breakdown review as I said there five products so let's just quickly get started


 The first product I have is the naked and raw coffee face wash.  It comes in plastic packaging retails for 349 rupees for 100ml. This is a very thick face wash the consistency almost looks like honey. The thing that I do not like is that it does not smell like coffee at all. Like if I am going for caffeinated skincare range I would want it to smell like coffee. This actually smells like those cheap Archies perfumes that we used to get back in the day like in the early 2000s. If you remember and you took those sets to everyone this is what it smells like. Now this range is meant for normal to oily skin. I belong to dry skin they do not have products for dry skin as of now which is a bummer. Now because this is a really thick face wash you have to ensure that you add a little bit of water to it so that it bubbles up and foams up and cleanses because if you just go like that even on wet face it will not bubble up. You have to add water to your hands to ensure that this bubbles up. Now I have to say because this is meant for normal to oily skin my skin does feel a little dry after a bath. I have to instantly moisturize otherwise my skin just feels really parched and dry which is something I'm not a huge fan of.


 The second product we have is the naked and raw coffee face scrub, the packaging is same as to the face wash again this retails for 349 for 100 ml. Now the formulations of this one is a little dated as it is in walnut scrub and walnut scrubs are not the best for your skin they do create micro-tears on your skin. I do like the base of the scrub it's like a nice creamy base that doesn't dry out your skin. Although this product is meant for normal to oily skin but this one does not dry my skin down so that's a great thing but again if you have sensitive skin please do not go for this the shards on this one can be slightly too harsh for your skin so make sure you patch tests first to check it out.


The next product i have which is probably like my favorite product of the range is the Mcaffeine naked raw coffee mask. It comes in a glass jar and this retails for 575 rupees for one hundred gram of the product. Now this face mask again is a very thick face mask I have used up so much of it it smells so much like coffee it smells like a coffee cake which is something I love. It has a nice cooling sensation on your face again this also has some scrubbing beads inside it so when you're washing off it will also exfoliate your skin. I usually don't do that I just remove my mask with water just like that but if you want a scrub and mask do in one sort of a situation this one is really good it leaves my skin feeling so fresh and so nice and just so hydrated as well. It does not completely dry down on your skin it still feels like it's very creamy even after 15-20 minutes of application so it does not completely dry around so it doesn't end up drying out your skin as well which is something as I said I love.


 Then we have the M caffeine naked and raw coffee body scrub.  It comes in a glass jar again this retails for 449 rupees for 100 grams of product. Now this is a dry powder and you do have to mix it in with some amount of water like a very little amount so you get a nice scrubby consistency. I do have ingrown hair and I use it on my ingrown hair it doesn't really do anything for the ingrown hair which is the whole purpose of the scrub so that was a bummer now this is a good scrub no doubt like it leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth and all of that it's a good scrub like a decent scrub. My issue however with this is I don't see why I should be buying this when I can get a similar result with one rupee Nescafe sachet.


The last product we have is the Mcaffeine choco body butter again comes in a glass jar it retails for 645 rupees for 250 grams.  I did not like it. I'll tell you I'll give you my reasons now it doesn't it really smell like coffee it doesn't have a nice fragrance, secondly it is one of those really thick body butter that make your skin look a little oily and this is me saying I come from a dry skin type every sort of oil just gets absorbed into my skin like that. But this it just stays on your skin like a layer like I've had it on for almost two hours now and it's still like a layer it's one of those body butters that make you feel like you're sweating and especially in this weather. I'm gonna try it in winters but if you live in a hot and humid situation if you live in a place that doesn't really have a lot of winters do not go for this. It's just so heavy and so oily it's not like a butter that will melt into your skin but it's an oil that stays on top like a layer.