Hello my beautiful people!We love beaches,wearing floral dresses,flaunting our super cool style in summer season.But we hate sun tans and it can really ruin our day.Sun screens are a great option for preventing the harmful but it also contains certain chemicals and the daily use can damage our skin.Sun tans can be removed eventually using home remedies.Here i will be sharing 3 effective remedies to fight against this problem.

This will be useful for removing sun tans along with that it also helps to remove dark spots and hyper pigmentation.This will help you in getting an even and glowing skin tone.This won't help you in skin whitening but definitely helps in skin lightening.

This remedy works beautifully on the skin and helps in skin lightening.You can get rid of dark spots and all the skin discolouration by using this effective remedy.Both dark and fair skin tone can use this face pack.

  • Pineapple-2-3 cut pieces
  • Almond powder-3 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice-2 tablespoons
  • Essential oil-5-8 drops[rose hip,chamomile,tea tree oil]
Pineapple are useful in skin exfoliation and helps in promoting healthy skin.The anti oxidants present in prevents wrinkles and helps to get a youthful skin.
Almond helps to control ageing and treats dryness of the skin.
Lemon juice is a great remedy for removing dark spots,for controlling acne and to get a clear skin.
Essential oil helps you in getting a youthful and glowing skin.Select the oil that suits your skin.

Take all the ingredients and mash it properly to get a thick paste.Add the essential oil only at the time of usage.Apply in twicwe in a week to get flawless skin.

  • Curd-2 tablespoons
  • Papaya-4 cut pieces
  • Honey-1 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice-1 tablespoon
Curd  soothes irritated skin and treats sun burns and tans.It is a great moisturiser.
Papaya helps in removing acne and acts as a great exfoliater.It also removes dead cells from the skin.
Honey controls and prevents skin inflammation and prevents skin irritation.
Mix all the ingredients and apply it on the face for 20 minutes.
You can store it for 2 days in the refrigerator.