Hello everyone!Hope all are doing fine.In this post i will be sharing few effective ways to get rid of dark circles.I was facing this issue for a long time but now  am really happy by seeing the results.Dark circles are the most common issues we face,makes the face looking dull and aged.Don't get worried now about this problem anymore.I will tell you the remedies that i have used and how well it worked on me.

There are many reasons for getting dark circles.
  • stress
  • dehydration
  • lack of sleep
  • serious illness
If we spent around 20 minutes for a proper skin care routine,we can get rid of it.Best home remedies are now available for treating and curing it.Here i will be showing 3 such home made DIY's that helped me to overcome it.

1. Curd eye cream
This is one i tried first and got a better result after first use only.It really helps in get rid of the dull look from the face and give freshness to the skin.

  • curd - 2 tablespoons
  • turmeric powder-1/2 teaspoon
  • Vitamin E capsule-1
  • cucumber juice-4 

We all curd is a good remedy for treating skin issues.It gives a cooling effect to the face.It has bleaching properties and promotes skin lightening.
Turmeric has anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties which prevents skin irritation.It removes dark spots and acne scars.
Cucumber is always the best ingredient that can be used for dark circles.
Mix everything together and apply it while going to sleep.You can refrigerate for 2 days.

Potato cream
  • potato puree-2 tablespoons
  • almond oil-1 tablespoon
  • banana-half

This will work great on your skin.Potato is helpful in skin lightening and removing the dark circles.It helps the skin to glow and provide nourishment.
Almond oil is useful for treating acne scars and improves skin texture.
Banana rich in potassium helps in skin hydration and prevents dry skin.It fights against acne scars and prevents ageing.
Mix all together and apply all around the eyes.Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off.

Tomato toner
  • Tomato juice-4 tablespoons
  • aloe vera gel-2tablespoons
  • almond oil- 1 teaspon
Here i am taking almond oil because it suits my skin very well.Always go for the products that suits your face.Tomato has a great bleaching effect and prevents wrinkles.It helps to give a glowing and radient look to the face.Aloe vera gel helps in skin hydration.
Mix everything together and transfer it to a spraying bottle.You can apply it at anytime and leave it for 20 minutes,then wash it off.

Try using these home remedies constantly for getting a better result.